Type nvim Sleep 3 Type Enter Sleep 9 # Remove the spellfile download prompt Type C-c ExpectNot Warning: Cannot find word list Expect Nvim is open source and freely distributable Type :NeorgStart Sleep 1.5 Type Enter Sleep 4 Type :Neorg workspace general Sleep 1.5 Type Enter Sleep 4 Type 10t Sleep 0.5 # Cursor is on the first heading Type iMARKER Sleep 0.5 Type Escape Sleep 2 Expect ^11\s*MARKER◉ First heading$ # Now moves to the link to the second Type t Sleep 0.2 Type $ Sleep 0.2 Type h Sleep 0.2 Type Enter Sleep 0.5 # Should be on the second Type iMARKER Sleep 0.5 Type Escape Sleep 2 Expect ^15\s*◉ MARKERSecond heading$ # Moves to the references file Type t Sleep 0.2 Type $ Sleep 0.2 Type h Sleep 0.2 Type Enter Sleep 0.5 # Skip another spell file prompt Type Enter Sleep 0.5 Type 10t Sleep 0.5 Expect ^11\s*◉ Some other content$ Type :q! Sleep 0.5 Type Enter Sleep 1 # vim: ft=tape