#!/usr/bin/env nix #! nix shell nixpkgs#age nixpkgs#jq nixpkgs#dash --command dash # shellcheck shell=dash cleanup() { [ "$key_file" ] && rm "$key_file" } trap cleanup EXIT update_lf_cd_paths() { echo "Starting to update the lf/cd_paths file.." cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/sys/secrets" || { echo "A secrets dir does not exist! (This is most likely a bug)" exit 1 } key_file="$(mktemp)" nix eval -f ./secrets.nix --json | jq --raw-output '.["lf/cd_paths"].publicKeys | join("\n")' >"$key_file" # `lf-make-map` is provided by the dev shell { lf-make-map --quiet --depth 4 visualize ~/media ~/repos ~/school | sed 's|\(.*\)|# \1|' lf-make-map --quiet --depth 4 generate ~/media ~/repos ~/school } | age --recipients-file "$key_file" --encrypt --armor --output ./lf/cd_paths echo "Finished updating the lf/cd_paths file.." } main() { update_lf_cd_paths } main # vim: ft=sh