--- # Config file for yambar # Note that this may be version-dependent, this file is written for v1.8.0 # Font anchors font-main: &fontmain Source Code Pro:pixelsize=26 font-aws: &awesome Font Awesome 5 Free:style=solid:pixelsize=23 # Color anchors fg-none: &fgnone 00000000 fg-1: &fg1 c6ceefff fg-blue: &fgblue 99d1dbff fg-sapphire: &fgsapp 74c7ecdd fg-green: &fggreen a6e3a1dd fg-peach: &fgpeach fab387dd fg-mauve: &fgmauve cba6f7dd fg-teal: &fgteal 94e2d5dd fg-lavendar: &fglav b4befedd fg-focus: &fgfocus e78284ff bg-1: &bg1 303446ff bg-tag: &bgtag 585b70ff bg-tag2: &bgtag2 45475aff bg-urgent: &bgurgent e78284ff # Background blocks background-block: &bgcblock {background: {color: *bg1 }} background-block-urgent: &bgcurg {background: {color: *bgurgent }} # Underlines underline-focused: &line {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgfocus}} underline-urgent: &lineurgent {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgblue}} underline-utils: &lineutil {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgpeach}} underline-resources: &linemem {underline: { size: 3, color: *fggreen}} underline-battery: &linebat {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgsapp}} underline-clock: &lineclock {underline: { size: 3, color: *fgteal}} underline-weather: &linewea {underline: { size: 3, color: *fglav}} underline-title: &linetitle {underline: { size: 3, color: *bgtag}} # Combined decorations combination-utils: &combutil {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *lineutil]} combination-resources: &combmem {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linemem]} combination-battery: &combbat {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]} combination-clock: &combclock {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *lineclock]} combination-weather: &combwea {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linewea]} ### Main bar: location: top height: 45 layer: bottom spacing: 0 margin: 10 border: {margin: 0, top-margin: 10} foreground: *fg1 background: *fgnone font: *fontmain ### Left, river tags left: - river: anchors: - id: &name { text: "{id}" } - string: &focus { stack: [ {background: {color: *bg1}} ] } - string: &normal { string: { <<: *name, margin: 10 } } - string: &occupied { string: { <<: *name, deco: {background: {color: *bgtag2}}, margin: 10 } } - string: &urgent { string: { <<: *name, deco: {stack: [background: {color: *bgurgent}, <<: *lineurgent]}, margin: 10 } } - string: &focused { string: { <<: *name, deco: {stack: [background: {color: *bgtag}, <<: *line]}, margin: 10 } } - string: &unfocused { string: { <<: *name, deco: {background: {color: *bgtag2}}, margin: 10 } } - base: &river_base tag: state default: *normal values: focused: *focused unfocused: *unfocused urgent: *urgent invisible: map: tag: occupied values: true: *occupied false: *normal content: map: on-click: left: sh -c "riverctl set-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} - 1)))" right: sh -c "riverctl toggle-focused-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))" middle: sh -c "riverctl toggle-view-tags $((1 << ({id} -1)))" tag: id values: 1: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 2: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 3: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 4: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 5: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 6: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 7: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 8: { map: { <<: *river_base } } 9: { map: { <<: *river_base } } title: map: tag: title default: { string: { text: "{title}", left-margin: 12, right-margin: 12, #max: 35, deco: *linetitle }, } values: { "": { string: { text: "" } } } ### Center, clock & weather gadget center: - clock: time-format: "%H:%M:%S %Z" date-format: "%d/%m/%y (%a)" foreground: *fgblue content: string: text: " {date} {time} " deco: *combclock ### Right, system tray right: - network: name: wlp5s0 poll-interval: 10 content: map: on-click: /bin/sh -c "nmtui" tag: carrier values: false: {empty: {}} true: string: {text: "  {ssid} ", deco: *combutil} - network: name: enp4s0 content: map: on-click: /bin/sh -c "nmtui" tag: carrier values: false: string: {text: "  Eth failed ", deco: *combutil} true: {empty: {}} - script: # Sound volume path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/amixer-monitor content: map: on-click: /bin/sh -c "pavucontrol" tag: muted values: true: string: text: " ﱝ " deco: *bgcurg false: string: {text: "  {volume}% ", deco: *combutil} - script: # Grade average path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/grades-average poll-interval: 10 content: string: text: "  {grade} " deco: *combmem #- backlight: # name: intel_backlight # content: # - string: {text: "  {percent}% ", deco: *combutil} - script: # CPU path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/cpu content: string: text: "  {cpu}% " deco: *combmem - script: # Memory info path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/meminfo content: map: tag: swapstate values: true: string: text: "  {memperc}%({swapperc}%) " deco: *combmem false: string: text: "  {memperc}% " deco: *combmem - script: # Disk space path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/dfspace content: string: text: "  {diskspace}({diskperc})" deco: *combmem #- battery: # name: BAT0 # poll-interval: 30 # content: # list: # items: # - ramp: # tag: capacity # items: # - string: # text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) " # deco: *bgcurg # - string: # text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) " # deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]} # - string: # text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) " # deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]} # - string: # text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) " # deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]} # - string: # text: "  {capacity}%({estimate}) " # deco: {stack: [ <<: *bgcblock, <<: *linebat]} #- script: # tray # path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray # content: # empty: {} #- script: # path: /home/dt/.config/yambar/scripts/yambar-tray-width # poll-interval: 10 # content: # string: # text: "{padding}" # deco: *combmem