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path: root/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/plgs-pkgs
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authorSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-12-09 18:26:20 +0100
committerSoispha <soispha@vhack.eu>2023-12-09 18:26:20 +0100
commit31f0c39b8781090ad6968dad166ec0eb105243c1 (patch)
treea098f0633a7f1f279d750f3bc70bd0cdad0e38ee /sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/plgs-pkgs
parentfeat(treewide): Specify nvim plugins in my flake (diff)
fix(sys/nixpkgs/plgs-pkgs/override): Add only actually used plugins
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/plgs-pkgs/overrides.nix b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/plgs-pkgs/overrides.nix
index c4a32026..28b0c1c6 100644
--- a/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/plgs-pkgs/overrides.nix
+++ b/sys/nixpkgs/pkgs/plgs-pkgs/overrides.nix
@@ -10,17 +10,7 @@ final: prev: let
         meta = old.meta // {inherit broken;};
-      go-nvim = true;
-      highlight-current-n-nvim = true;
-      snippet-converter-nvim = true;
-      vacuumline-nvim = true;
-      vgit-nvim = true;
-      unruly-worker = true;
+      # <name> = true;
@@ -31,221 +21,12 @@ final: prev: let
       super.${attrName}.overrideAttrs (old: {
         meta = old.meta // {inherit license;};
       })) (with lib.licenses; {
-      ariake-vim-colors = [mit];
-      bats-vim = [vim];
-      christmas-vim = [mit];
-      coc-tailwind-intellisense = [mit];
-      distant-nvim = [asl20 mit];
-      goimpl-nvim = [mit];
-      null-ls-nvim = [publicDomain];
-      nvim-base16-lua = [mit];
-      nvim-cartographer = [gpl3Plus];
-      nvim-deus = [gpl3Plus];
-      nvim-pqf = [mpl20];
-      nvim-remote-containers = [
-        rec {
-          shortName = fullName;
-          fullName = "jamestthompson3's modified MIT License";
-          url = "https://github.com/jamestthompson3/nvim-remote-containers/blob/master/LICENSE";
-          free = true;
-          redistributable = true;
-          deprecated = false;
-        }
-      ];
-      nvim-revJ-lua = [vim];
-      nvim-srcerite = [gpl3Plus];
-      nvim-window = [mpl20];
-      osc-nvim = [mit];
-      vim-emacscommandline = [vim];
-      vim-hy = [vim];
-      vim-textobj-indent = [mit];
-      vim-textobj-parameter = [mit];
+      # There is no license specified
+      debugprint-nvim = [unfree];
-  # /*
-  #  * Add dependencies to vim plugins if missing or incorrect in generated ./pkgs/vim-plugins.nix.
-  #  */
-  # fixDependencies = self: super:
-  # lib.mapAttrs (attrName: dependencies: super.${attrName}.overrideAttrs (_: {
-  #   inherit dependencies;
-  # })) (with final.vimPlugins;
-  # {
-  #   apprentice-nvim = [ lush-nvim ];
-  #   auto-pandoc-nvim = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   code-runner-nvim = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   codeschool-nvim = [ lush-nvim ];
-  #   express-line-nvim = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   follow-md-links-nvim = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   fuzzy-nvim = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   github-colors = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   gloombuddy = [ colorbuddy-nvim ];
-  #   go-nvim = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   goimpl-nvim = [ nvim-treesitter telescope-nvim ];
-  #   gruvbuddy-nvim = [ colorbuddy-nvim ];
-  #   gruvy = [ lush-nvim ];
-  #   jester = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   lspactions = [ plenary-nvim popup-nvim ];
-  #   lspactions-nvim06-compatible = [ plenary-nvim popup-nvim self.astronauta-nvim ];
-  #   navigator-lua = [ nvim-lspconfig self.guihua-lua ];
-  #   neogen = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   nlsp-settings-nvim = [ nvim-lspconfig ];
-  #   nvim-comment-frame = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   nvim-go = [ plenary-nvim popup-nvim ];
-  #   nvim-lsp-basics = [ nvim-lspconfig ];
-  #   nvim-lspfuzzy = [ fzfWrapper ];
-  #   nvim-lsp-installer = [ nvim-lspconfig ];
-  #   nvim-lspupdate = [ nvim-lspconfig ];
-  #   nvim-magic = [ plenary-nvim nui-nvim ];
-  #   nvim-rdark = [ colorbuddy-nvim ];
-  #   nvim-revJ-lua = [ self.vim-textobj-parameter ];
-  #   nvim-spectre = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   nvim-treesitter-textsubjects = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   nvim-treehopper = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   nvim-ts-context-commentstring = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   one-small-step-for-vimkind = [ nvim-dap ];
-  #   onebuddy = [ colorbuddy-nvim ];
-  #   reaper-nvim = [ self.osc-nvim ];
-  #   sqls-nvim = [ nvim-lspconfig ];
-  #   startup-nvim = [ telescope-nvim ];
-  #   tabline-framework-nvim = [ nvim-web-devicons ];
-  #   tabout-nvim = [ nvim-treesitter ];
-  #   telescope-bibtex-nvim = [ telescope-nvim ];
-  #   telescope-command-palette-nvim = [ telescope-nvim ];
-  #   telescope-heading-nvim = [ telescope-nvim ];
-  #   telescope-tmuxinator-nvim = [ telescope-nvim ];
-  #   vacuumline-nvim = [ galaxyline-nvim ];
-  #   vgit-nvim = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   vim-textobj-parameter = [ vim-textobj-user ];
-  #   virtual-types-nvim = [ nvim-lspconfig ];
-  #   yabs-nvim = [ plenary-nvim ];
-  #   zenbones-nvim = [ lush-nvim ];
-  # });
-  /*
-  * Add other overrides here.
-  */
-  otherOverrides = self: super: {
-    feline-nvim = super.feline-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
-      patches =
-        (old.patches or [])
-        ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionOlder old.version "2021-12-19") [
-          # https://github.com/famiu/feline.nvim/pull/179
-          (final.fetchpatch {
-            url = "https://github.com/zbirenbaum/feline.nvim/commit/d62d9ec923fe76da27f5ac7000b2a506b035740d.patch";
-            sha256 = "sha256-fLa6za0Srm/gnVPlPgs11+2cxhj7hitgUhlHu2jc2+s=";
-          })
-        ];
-    });
-    glow-nvim = super.glow-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
-      patches =
-        (old.patches or [])
-        ++ [
-          # https://github.com/ellisonleao/glow.nvim/pull/80
-          (final.fetchpatch {
-            url = "https://github.com/ellisonleao/glow.nvim/pull/80/commits/16a348ffa8022945f735caf708c2bd601b08272c.patch";
-            sha256 = "sha256-fljlBTHcoPjnavF37yoIs3zrZ3+iOX6oQ0e20AKtNI8=";
-          })
-        ];
-    });
-    guihua-lua = super.guihua-lua.overrideAttrs (old: {
-      buildPhase = ''
-        (
-          cd lua/fzy
-          make
-        )
-      '';
-    });
-    mdeval-nvim = super.mdeval-nvim.overrideAttrs (old: {
-      postPatch =
-        (old.postPatch or "")
-        + ''
-          sed -Ei lua/mdeval.lua \
-              -e 's@(get_command\(string\.format\(")mkdir@\1${final.coreutils}/bin/mkdir@' \
-              -e 's@(get_command\(string\.format\(")rm@\1${final.coreutils}/bin/rm@' \
-              -e 's@(2>&1; )echo@\1${final.coreutils}/bin/echo@'
-        '';
-    });
-    nvim-papadark = self.themer-lua;
-    feline-nvim-develop = self.feline-nvim;
-  };
 in {
   vimExtraPlugins = prev.vimExtraPlugins.extend (lib.composeManyExtensions [
-    fixDependencies
-    # onceHereButNowOfficiallyMaintainedPlugins
-    otherOverrides