pub mod chapter; pub mod project; pub mod section; use std::{ env, ffi::OsString, fs::read_dir, io::{self, ErrorKind}, path::PathBuf, }; const SECTION: &'static str = r#"%! TEX root = ../../../main.tex % LTeX: language=de-DE \lesson{REPLACMENT_SECTION_TITLE}{DATE}{} Dies ist etwas Text "#; const CHAPTER: &'static str = r#"%! TEX root = ../main.tex % LTeX: language=de-DE \chapter{REPLACEMENT_CHAPTER} "#; const TITLE_FILE: &'static str = r#"% LTeX: language=de-DE \maketitle \tableofcontents \vspace*{\fill} \makeatletter Copyright \textcopyright{} \@authors{} \@years{}\\ \ \\ Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter den Bedingungen der CC BY-SA 4.0. Der Lizenztext ist online unter \url{} abrufbar. \makeatother \clearpage "#; const MAIN_FILE: &'static str = r#"%\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, nosolutions]{report} \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{report} % LTeX: language=de-DE \input{headers/preamble.tex} \input{headers/preamble_local.tex} \title{\textbf{Titel}} \author{Name\thanks{Beispiel}} \authors{Name} \years{2022 - 2023} \date{\DTMDate{2002-12-4}} \includeonly{content/REPLACEMENT_CHAPTER/chapter_01} \begin{document} \input{content/static/title} \include{content/REPLACEMENT_CHAPTER/chapter_01} % NEXT_CHAPTER \printbibliography\relax \end{document} "#; pub fn get_project_root() -> io::Result { let path = env::current_dir()?; let mut path_ancestors = path.as_path().ancestors(); while let Some(path_segment) = { if read_dir(path_segment)?.into_iter().any(|path_segment| { path_segment .expect("The read_dir shouldn't error out here") .file_name() == OsString::from("lpm.toml") }) { return Ok(PathBuf::from(path_segment)); } } Err(io::Error::new( ErrorKind::NotFound, "Ran out of places to find lpm.toml", )) } pub fn get_all_chapters() -> io::Result> { let path = get_project_root()?; let output = read_dir(path.join("content"))? .map(|path| { path.expect("The values sholud be fine") .file_name() .to_str() .expect("all names should be valid utf-8") .to_owned() }) .collect(); Ok(output) }