%! TEX root = ../../%INIT_APPLICATION_NAME.tex % LTeX: language=%INIT_LANGUAGE \maketitle % \begin{frame}{Content} % \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered] % \tableofcontents[hideallsubsections] % \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Copyright} % TODO: Translate this section (or remove this comment, if your language of choice is English) This presentation is available under: \begin{center} \url{%INIT_HOME_PAGE} \end{center} Copyright \textcopyright{} \AuthorList{} \YearList{}\\ \ \\ This work is licensed under the terms of the %INIT_SPDX_LICENSE_IDENTIFIER licence. The licence text can be found online at \url{%INIT_LICENSE_URL}. \ % TODO match the logo to your real license \begin{center}\ccbysa\end{center} \end{frame}