\usepackage{amsmath} % extensive math commands \usepackage{amsfonts} % more fonts for math (fracture, boldfaced and so on) \usepackage{mathtools} % extension to amsmath, with more sensible defaults (eq numbers only when referenced) \usepackage{amssymb} % more symbols, mostly redundant because already loaded by something else \usepackage{mathrsfs} % support for the RSFS fonts (through \mathscr command) \usepackage{cancel} % allows to cancel a part in math mode, for example to shorten a term \usepackage{bm} % bold mode in math, but better than \boldsymbol command from ams. \bm % number sets \NewDocumentCommand\N{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}} \NewDocumentCommand\R{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}} \NewDocumentCommand\Z{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}}} \NewDocumentCommand\Q{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}} \NewDocumentCommand\C{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}} \let\originalO\O \RenewDocumentCommand\O{}{\ensuremath{\emptyset}} % replaces the Ø % readable limits \let\originalLim\lim \RenewDocumentCommand\lim{}{\originalLim\limits} % aliases \let\implies\Rightarrow \let\impliedby\Leftarrow \let\originalEpsilon\epsilon \RenewDocumentCommand\epsilon{}{\varepsilon} % I like the textual epsilon more