{ config, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ neovim # edit nix files ;) neofetch # a must-have wget # download stuff curl # download stuff – reloaded restic # backups thunderbird # emails firefox # my browser librewolf # privacy friendly firefox ungoogled-chromium # the only chromium-based browser I'd ever use. zsh # the one and only shell element-desktop # chat libreoffice # convert doc to pdf xD keepassxc # passwords gnome.gnome-keyring # to tired to migrate to kwallet gnome.simple-scan # scanning, obiously lsd # ls in good jq # xdg-ninja requieres that glow # markdown rendering xdg-ninja # home cleaning git # versioning signal-desktop # the ecosystem is moving :( openssh # ssh jdk17 # openjdk17 to satisfy mr.antoine rustc # rust, obiously cargo # cargo, the best compiler ever" lf # a file manager gnupg # encryprtion and so on tor-browser-bundle-bin # tor-browser tdesktop # another messenger (telegram) libsForQt5.kdeconnect-kde # communicate with my phone imagemagick # convertion and so on nerdfonts # nice fonts, u know alacritty # terminal zsh-you-should-use # reminder for aliasses jetbrains.idea-community # Java-IDE python39 # python programming language _7zz # 7zip archive utility sayonara # audioplayer vlc # audio, again nmap # network scanning tree # tree view of directories youtube-dl # download videos mpv # play videos texlive.combined.scheme-full # LaTeX gparted # partitioning :( musescore # notesetting program ]; }